What is Microsoft Windows and its history

Do you have any information about what is Microsoft Windows (MS Windows in Hindi). Many of you may have already used Windows OS, or someone may have used Windows Mobile. But many of you will probably not have full knowledge about it. This is because before this no one has ever written well about Windows in Hindi even in internet. So today I thought that why should you give full information about what is Windows?

It is also possible that most of you have heard about Microsoft's Windows Operating System before. But very few of you will know what an operating system (OS) is and how it works. From our post today, you will also know what is the work of Windows. Before we come to Windows OS, before that we have to understand the operating system. So let's know today what is this Windows Operating System in Hindi.

If I talk about Microsoft Windows, then it is a Graphical interface Operating system that was developed by a famous IT company named Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Windows is a very friendly, popular and most used operating system. It is very lentil between people due to its excellent Graphical Display and other features. Before the release of Microsoft Windows Graphical OS, users worked on the command line of MS-DOS OS.

Microsoft has always wanted it to put its product name in a word that is easy to define Microsoft's GUI interface, which is why Microsoft chose the word "Windows" because in the GUI (Graphics User Interface) Multiple Windows is used to run different tasks and programs. This is precisely why Microsoft added a new name to its product by adding the word Windows to its company name which was "Microsoft Windows". This is how Microsoft Windows was born.

What is the operating system?
An operating system is a computer system that acts as a medium between the user and the computer. A computer is a machine so it cannot understand our given command. In such a situation, it is the job of the operating system to explain the instructions given by us to the computer. With the help of the operating system, the computer can understand and complete our instructions. Simply put, a computer will not exist without an operating system.

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Another definition of operating system can also be that hardware resources are organized by this. The operating system keeps the data of every program on the computer. With the help of which the operating system decides which program will use which resource for how long.

Types of windows
Operating systems are of many types and can be divided in different ways, but the main types of these are only two. So know about different types of Windows.

1) Single User OS: In a single user OS, only one person can use a computer at a time.

2) Multiple user OS: On multiple user OS one or more people can work together at one time. Multiple user operating systems are used in large companies etc. where people have to work in harmony.

As you have now understood the operating system well, now we come to the Windows operating system. What is Windows operating system? And why is it so much more famous than other operating systems.

Windows feature
Windows or Microsoft Windows, it is a product of Microsoft. The Windows operating system started in 1985. Since its inception, it has touched all the dimensions of heights. Since the beginning, there have been many changes in the Windows OS. From the beginning till now there have been many versions of it. Every time the company has tried to include good features from the previous one in the new version. And wants to give something new to their customers.

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Microsoft Windows is the most widely used operating system by computer users, it will usually be found in your college, school or home computers.

Microsoft Windows is the Graphical Interface operating system. This means that it uses Graphics or Icons etc. to display information. This makes it very easy to operate. A person of every class, age can understand and run it very easily.

Before the arrival of Windows, MS-DOS had to remember some instructions to perform every task but all this changed after the arrival of Windows. After this, all you have to do is navigate with the mouse and click on it with the mouse to use icons like menus, tabs, dialog boxes or any other option. With this, you can do any task easily.

Since the first version came in 1985, there have been a total of 26 versions of Windows so far. The last version of Windows operating system that was Windows 10 came on 29 July 2015.

The most popular versions of Microsoft Windows include Windows vista, WinIncludes dows 98, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 8 and Windows 10. As such, every version of Microsoft's Windows product was very successful, but these versions became very popular and managed to make a place in the hearts of people along with people and homes.


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